Tuesday 25 October 2011

University Student Meals: 5 Healthier Alternatives to Pizza and Beer.

Naan Bread:
A East Indian flat bread with a slightly chewy texture. It can be found in the bread section of any grocery store. Drizzle some olive oil over it and stick it in the oven at 400 degrees fahrenheit for 4 to 5 minutes. The result is a perfect quick snack or an easy-to-make side for dinner with only 78 calories per serving.

Chicken and broccoli with sweet chili sauce:
This easy meal will leave you feeling full without too much effort. All you need is a chicken breast (most likely frozen), some frozen broccoli, and any brand of sweet chili sauce you can find in the grocery store. First, defrost your chicken breast and cut it into small pieces. Do this while you put a pot of water on to boil. Next, saute your chicken in a pan with a small amount of canola oil. Your broccoli should only take about 3 minutes, so place them in the boiling water when the chicken is almost done. Finally, place both the chicken pieces and the broccoli in a bowl and drizzle your sweet chili sauce on top. This small meal is a good source of protein and a tasty way to eat your vegetables while staying away from carbs.

Roasted sweet potatoes:
This is a vegetable that you most likely pass without notice on your way through the grocery store. However, they can make a healthy and easy snack. Although this snack doesn't take much effort, it does take a long period of time. First take about half a sweet potato, peel the skin, and cut it into small square-like pieces. Make sure to preheat the oven to about 350 degrees while doing this. Next, place these pieces in a bowl, drizzle them with olive oil, season them with salt and pepper, and then mix them around with a fork. Then poor the pieces onto a baking sheet and place them in the oven. They should bake for about 30 minutes on each side. It is a bit of a process but the result is a delicious snack that won't leave you feeling bad about it.

Angel hair pasta with sauteed sweet potatoes and asiago cheese:
This meal is similar to the sweet potatoes snack. However, this time add a light thin pasta to make it a meal. Instead of roasting your sweet potatoes, slice them into tinier pieces and place them in a pan on the stove with a bit of olive oil. This is a faster alternative if you don't have an hour to wait for your potatoes to roast. While you do so, prepare a portion of angel hair pasta. Once both are ready and placed in a bowl, add a bit more olive oil and shred some asiago cheese on top. The pasta and sweet potatoes will fill you up without the heaviness of a tomato sauce.

Sauteed asparagus:
Lastly, this side is perfect to go with any healthy-choice meal. All you have to do is place your raw asparagus in a pan with a little bit of oil and lightly spray them with some lemon juice. This vegetable is rarely found in a University student's fridge but it the perfect way to get some vegetables into your diet.

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