Saturday 26 November 2011

A Hidden NYC Activity.

If you're ever visiting New York City and are tired of the typical tourist spots be sure to stop by The Morgan Library & Museum.
The library is located on Madison avenue between 36th and 37th street. It houses a collection of rare books and manuscripts along with J.P. Morgan's own prints and drawings. The library boasts such treasures as ancient Egyptian objects, scraps of paper on which Bob Dylan jotted down lyrics, a Charles Dickens manuscript of A Christmas Carol, a journal by Henry David Thoreau, scores by Beethoven and Mozart, and drawings of artists such as Leonardo, Michealangelo, and Picasso.
It's a must see unique find.

Monday 14 November 2011

My Blog Backgrounds

I'd thought I'd make a new post to mention that for the past month I've decided to make it a point to change my blog's background every week or so. Each new background is the album cover from a favorite artist or band of mine. So if you're ever looking for some possible music suggestions, check to see my new background every week.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

3 Must See TV Shows

Whether you're taking a necessary personal day or just taking a break from studying, start watching one of these shows and you won't be disappointed.

This British television series is about a group of young early-20s criminals who are forced to work together in a community service program. After being caught outside during an electrical storm they begin to discover that they have all acquired special powers. However, these aren't the normal powers usually associated with "super powers". For example, the character Curtis can only turn back time when he feels regret and the character Alisha sends people into a sexual frenzy when they touch her skin. The inability to control their power results in the characters running into problems as drastic as murder. The 3rd season premiered on October 30th so if you have an abnormal amount of free time I highly recommend catching up and continuing to follow this season.

Shameless is an American television series that airs on the channel Showtime. It is based on the award-winning British drama series of the same name. The first season premiered in January 2011 and is set in Chicago's South Side neighborhood. The series tells the story of the dysfunctional Gallagher family, which consists of a drunk single father and six children who learn to take care of themselves and each other. The premise is that the father (William H. Macy) does nothing but cash his disability checks and go on benders while his oldest child (Emmy Rossum) struggles to keep everyone together and to make ends meet. The show includes everything from brutal teenage violence to grand theft auto. It's a show that while watching, you can't help but be thankful that you are safe and sound in your student apartment.

Game of Thrones:
This television series is a medieval drama based on the well-known series of novels by George R. R. Martin. It debuted in April 2011 on HBO. Although it's an American series, most of the cast is British or Irish. The show's plot follows the fictional story of seven kingdoms in a place where "summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime". The series has multiple story lines that follow the violent struggles of several noble families to control the Iron Throne. As the families wage war against each other, the eminent dangers of winter also approach. This is the kind of intense show that you'll find yourself ending up getting through the first season in one sitting.

Monday 7 November 2011

3 Must See Documentaries

Freakonomics (2010):
A 2010 documentary based on the widely-known book by economist Steven Levitt and journalist Stephen J. Dubner. This documentary exhibits the author's unique studies and analysis of human behavior through economic theory. It goes into everything from why certain babies names result in lower economic status to cheating in the world of Sumo Wrestling. It's a great documentary for when you find yourself with that rare moment of downtime between midterms and finals.

Food Inc. (2008):
This 2008 documentary is similar to a modern day version of Upton Sinclair's "Jungle". The film goes far into the world of corporate farming in the United States while revealing that the industry results in unhealthy food, environmental damage, and extensive animal abusive. The documentary received an impressive rating of 96% on the rotten tomatoes website. The film is not for the faint of heart or those who are extra sensitive to animal abuse. It might make you think twice about that hamburger you were craving but it is more than worth it to sit through the whole thing.

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia (2009):
This documentary was filmed in 2009 and chronicles the lives of the White family of Boone County, West Virginia. Cameras follow the family and its relatives for a year and includes first person interviews. The documentary captures a portrait of "America's last outlaw family". With most family members in and out of jail, on-camera drug abuse, and a intervention by Child Protective Services, this film transports you into a way of live you never thought actually existed. When you think you're life couldn't get any stranger this is the perfect documentary to watch and think "thank god that's not me".