Monday 7 November 2011

3 Must See Documentaries

Freakonomics (2010):
A 2010 documentary based on the widely-known book by economist Steven Levitt and journalist Stephen J. Dubner. This documentary exhibits the author's unique studies and analysis of human behavior through economic theory. It goes into everything from why certain babies names result in lower economic status to cheating in the world of Sumo Wrestling. It's a great documentary for when you find yourself with that rare moment of downtime between midterms and finals.

Food Inc. (2008):
This 2008 documentary is similar to a modern day version of Upton Sinclair's "Jungle". The film goes far into the world of corporate farming in the United States while revealing that the industry results in unhealthy food, environmental damage, and extensive animal abusive. The documentary received an impressive rating of 96% on the rotten tomatoes website. The film is not for the faint of heart or those who are extra sensitive to animal abuse. It might make you think twice about that hamburger you were craving but it is more than worth it to sit through the whole thing.

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia (2009):
This documentary was filmed in 2009 and chronicles the lives of the White family of Boone County, West Virginia. Cameras follow the family and its relatives for a year and includes first person interviews. The documentary captures a portrait of "America's last outlaw family". With most family members in and out of jail, on-camera drug abuse, and a intervention by Child Protective Services, this film transports you into a way of live you never thought actually existed. When you think you're life couldn't get any stranger this is the perfect documentary to watch and think "thank god that's not me".

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